Survey to establish the demarcation of WRITERS
Survey to establish the demarcation of WRITERS
Dear Members,
At the end of last year, the Minister of Employment and Labour issued a notice calling for interested parties to make submissions on his proposal to deem persons in the film and television industry as employees.
In it, he proposed selected portions of the current Basic Conditions of Employment Act and our industry made the following suggestions: * Industry to self-regulate so we can have sectoral determination (minimum rates and standard contracts) and ultimately, the power of collective bargaining. * Residuals on all work and the creation of our collections agency. * Access to the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) and Labour court. * Inclusion in the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) Act to access UIF benefits.
Now that that part of the process is complete, the Minister is asking that we demarcate our industry and figure out whom amongst us are:
* the most vulnerable and * able to articulate further on what changes need to be made to make sure that we are protected (i.e. what would be your ideal working conditions?)
Please fill in this survey to the best of your ability as it will assist us in providing the most accurate and relevant information that, if implemented, writers would enjoy some of the rights of employees.
It is extremely important that we respond to the calls from the Department so that we can keep working as freelancers and keep the tax benefits that go with that and to self-regulate. If we ignore these calls, there is nothing to stop the Department from developing and implementing a sectoral determination that will not benefit us.
CLOSING DATE FOR THE SURVEY: Sunday, 26 July 2020, midnight
IT IS IN YOUR BEST INTEREST to fill in the survey
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