About the Purple List
The WGSA Purple List is a new platform that allows members to list concepts and unproduced scripts on our website. Producers, Commissioning Editors, and other interested parties will be able to search the platform. Should there be interest, members will be contacted directly, using the contact information provided on the platform.
- This service is offered free of charge to all members in good standing. Not yet a member? To have your unproduced work listed, JOIN US NOW.
- All unproduced works listed must carry a valid script registration number.
- Please note that the information you supply on the submission form will be publicly visible. In order for interested parties to contact you, your email address will be in the public domain. You may choose to submit a mobile number as well, but do not need to do so.
- The WGSA cannot guarantee that listing your work will result in a sale or funding of any nature.
- The WGSA will not be responsible for the initial and subsequent correspondence between members and interested parties. The onus is on the member to contact the WGSA’s contractual advisory services team to obtain advice before they enter into any contract / agreement.
- It is strongly recommended that members do their research on all potential interested parties and have a non-disclosure agreement signed with such interested parties before submitting their scripts.
Submission Process
Before You Submit
There are a few things you need to know:
- Your script must have a unique title. If the title has been used already, the system will inform you of such. Please contact the WGSA Administrator.
- Before submitting, your work must be registered with our WGSA Script Registry or any other legitimate Script Registry. You will not be able to list your script without a script registration number.
- Make sure that you categorise your project correctly.
- The submission form requires a logline and short synopsis. Please prepare this before the time. To ensure that your work has a professional ring to it, spell check, grammar check and check punctuation before you submit it into the public domain. To develop a professional logline, you may use this guideline:
Ultimate Logline Guide:
“A hero with a flaw that keeps him/her from achieving a worthwhile goal, who is forced to respond to a life changing event instigated by an opponent, and in the process of responding to that life changing event with the help of an ally, the hero is forced to overcome his/her flaw and only then is s/he able to do one-on-one with the opponent to realize his/her goal.”
Please LOGIN to access the Submission Form.